miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Tamanique´s History

Its origins date back to pre-Hispanic times, as it was populated by Mayan and Pipil groups. For the year 1740 had about 120 inhabitants "dedicated to raising chickens and corn, cotton, cocoa and balsam sparingly" 2 for 1770 according to Pedro Cortes y Larraz, belonged to the parish of Atheists and lived about 160 people there. In 1807, Antonio Gutierrez y Ulloa Tamanique as regards Indian village.In the Republican era belonged to the department of San Salvador (1824-1835), Cuscatlán (1835-1842), San Salvador and again since 1842. By 1860 its population was estimated in 212 inhabitants, and had remarkable balm and cocoa production. He joined the department of La Libertad in 1865.ZinancatanIn Tamanique, specifically in the canton Tarpeya are located the remains of pre-Hispanic site called Zinancatan Late Postclassic period. There, he developed a battle between the Spanish and the indigenous Pipil in 1538, probably in the called Cerro Redondo.OverviewThe municipality has an area of ​​101.02 km ² geographical, 4 and the altitude of the head is 595 m. Through the years it has been known as Zinancantan (1600), and subsequently Tamanique Santiago. Part of the country's central coast range and among landforms are the hills: El Tigre, La Campana, Sunzal, Redondo, Ash, The Glory, The Cabro, The Cincuyera, The Manune, wrist, and Tecolote Cuisnahuat as well as the hills: La Gloria, San Jacinto, The Henhouse, Yellow Patch, La Ceiba, La Chichicua, The Balm, The Haciendita, La Lima, El Cuervo, La Cuesta, Guachipilín, Cumbrita, El Tesoro and Lightning. The weather is warm.The place name could mean Tamanique "Cerro captured" or "With its pool of land ', and its territory is located eight cantons: Buenos Aires, El Cuervo, El Palmar, Sunzal, San Alfonso, San Isidro, Santa Lucia and Tarpeian. 4TourismTamanique celebrates its festivities in honor of the Virgin of La Paz from 19 to 21 November and in honor of the Virgin of Santa Lucia, in the second half of February.

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